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Myth Busters
Myth: There’s lots of disease, such as AIDs and Malaria.
Fact: South Africa is a developed country. They have far less problems with the spread of disease and tourists who have current vaccinations do not need to worryof contracting a disease.
Myth: Nothing to do but Safaris.
Fact: Although South Africa’s safaris are amazing, and our group will go on one. Cape Town and Johannesburg have a lot to offer, such as museums! It's up to you to research and exlpore but thereare museums, great concerts and world-class shopping.
Myth: It’s dangerous
Fact: The tourism industry works hard to maintain safe locations for visitors.
Myth: South Africans live in huts and sleep on the ground.
Fact: NO!! They live in houses, sleep in beds and eat chicken!
© 2017 by Supporters of McClymonds High School. | Tel: 510-681-8051
Facebook: Send Mack To Africa | Instagram: sendmacktoafrica
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