Why Black Youth Should Travel
The “South Africa Project is a multi-level youth project that focuses on organization/school collaboration, national and international cultural exchange, and digital storytelling. This year’s project will incorporate youth from Oakland, California, and youth from the greater Johannesburg area.
The “South Africa Project” is a project of the Global Classroom: Africa, the Diaspora, and Beyond; a program under the fiscal sponsorship of The Mentoring Center-a 501c3 organization (672 13th St #200, Oakland, CA 94612). The “South Africa Project” is a multi-level youth program that seeks to cultivate the following qualities in its participants:
Cultural awareness
Historical understanding
Develop a worldview
Greater sense of self
Understanding of travel
Understanding of language(s)
Ability to fundraise
Ability to present/educate peers
Community responsibility
Cultural exchange
These goals will be accomplished through an organization and school collaborations, as well as national and international cultural exchange projects. The “South Africa Project” Participants will use digital storytelling to communicate their experiences and learnings. Additionally, the “South Africa Project” will focus on:
Experiential learning
Identity development
Action research (student-led research)
Learning Zulu
Project-based learning
Social justice
Cultural performance
Service projects
Digital storytelling
S.T.E.A.M. (science, technology, engineering, arts, & math)
Visual/performing arts
"Travel allows for students to broaden their views of the world. Learn about different cultures while ultimately learning more about themselves".
-Sayde Wilson, Charopone
"Exposing students to new things and allowing them to see the world outside of Oakland".
-Ramone Sanders, 11th grader at McClymonds High School
© 2017 by Supporters of McClymonds High School. info@sendmacktoafrica.com | Tel: 510-681-8051
Facebook: Send Mack To Africa | Instagram: sendmacktoafrica