I'm a Junior Mentor.
I'm a student.
I will be a willing participate in research.
I will be an ambassador for Oakland, my high School community, my personal community, and of the South Africa project.
I will engage in conversations with new students and adults.
I will step out of my comfort zone.
I will uphold group agreements made as a whole before the trip take off.
I will take the initiative to build relationships with other adults and my peers.
I will lead and support the multimedia research of the trip.
I will be an ambassador of the Oakland, my school community, my personal community and the of South Africa project.
I will support the chaperones in leading teambuilding activities.
I will take the initiative to build relationships with my peers and other adults.
I will step out of my comfort zone.
I will support the head lead Ms. K.
I will lead at least two team building activities before the trip takeoff and during our stay in South Africa.
I will take the initiative to engage youth and build relationships with them.
I will step out of my comfort zone.
I will lead by example.
I'm a Chaperone.
Student. Junior Mentor. Chaperone
© 2017 by Supporters of McClymonds High School. info@sendmacktoafrica.com | Tel: 510-681-8051
Facebook: Send Mack To Africa | Instagram: sendmacktoafrica